Before I go into this let it be known that I was not raised Southern Baptist, I choose the SBC. This is not an indictment or attack on NAMB or the SBC it is just what I have experienced.
I have been to 3 types of chaplaincy/counseling training (Army, NAMB, MarsHill)and have an undergrad in Biblical Counseling. I have pastored 2 churches and was a staff member at another. And have 2 masters degrees. (MAR and MDIV) I have been to numerous conferences and seminars on every ministry matter under the sun. And of all the "things" I have been to the Redemption group training at Mars Hill was hands down the most biblical of all training I have had, as well as being just so pure and simple. I am no Calvinist (I believe God is so Sovereign that our choices do not surprise Him or mess up His plan) but there was something so refreshing and reviving to be in a place that is apologetically Cross Centered. No politics involved, no undercover evangelism, no placing clinical over biblical, no fat cats, no compromises, just the Gospel. The SBC would do WELL to quit condemning Driscoll/Mars Hill/Acts 29 and start seeing that we are not the only "bible people" and start looking for why we lose young ministers to groups such as this. Perhaps it is not a case of this young hip group being cooler than the old
grey SBC (I am a little greyer than cooler). Maybe it is because this is the first group they have seen who firmly promote the Cross not only in their doctrine statement but in every facet of ministry. Yes, I do believe we Southern Baptists could learn alot by becoming more Gospel centered and less politically centered.
grey SBC (I am a little greyer than cooler). Maybe it is because this is the first group they have seen who firmly promote the Cross not only in their doctrine statement but in every facet of ministry. Yes, I do believe we Southern Baptists could learn alot by becoming more Gospel centered and less politically centered.
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we may die to sin and live to rightousness. by his wounds you are healed.
1 Peter 2:24 (ESV)
1 Peter 2:24 (ESV)
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