Saturday, June 27, 2009

Important Voices at the SBC?

I was not at the SBC conference in KY but I have followed it on the web through various sources. While I did enjoy Dr. Hunts presidential sermon and most of the things I heard on the streaming video, I am a little perturbed/angry at one particular phrase that has been accruing on numerous blogs. That phrase is that the important voices of the SBC are being heard. As a newbie to the SBC it would seem that the convention idolatry is just being replaced by a individual or purpose idolatry. Could this be our problem as Southern Baptists? Are we relying on the convention or the big shots of it to be the scape goat as to why our personal ministries are struggling? Are we as no names living or doing ministry vicariously through the important voices? Let us be vigilant to remember that we are an organization of independent local churches that need no important voices to dictate our individual actions. For the more we rely on the important voices the closer we will come to putting a hierarchy in Nashville or Louisville, or wherever our important voice is heard from.
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;
John 10:27 (NASB95)


  1. Hey Bill, great point. While I am an SBC outsider, I have great appreciation and affection for the SBC. And I find myself in agreement with the "younger voices" of the SBC as articulated by Dever, Mohler, Akin and others. But your warning should be heard loud and clear by everyone in the Convention and outside as well. Excellent point.

    "I am the Lord your God... You shall have no other gods before me."


  2. Good to hear from you my bro!
    I also agree with the younger voices. I just sometimes get more caught up in what they are saying than what I am doing.
