Why military chaplains are a missing component to a Great Commission Resurgence.
Chaplains are:
- Making a difference in the lives of the future leaders of our nation. What other missionary has the opportunity to have the ear of an unbeliever and to guide them through trying times.
- Ministering in a pluralistic setting that has everything from atheists to jedi knights coming to them for answers in life.
- Front line evangelists in a position to be a lifeline from the unchurched to the church.
- Equipped to deal with situations from combat incidents, suicides, maritial problems and children's issues.
- Face to face with the unchurched culture every day.
- SBC chaplains are NAMB missionaries.
The one significant problem for chaplains:
- Lack the credibility among other ministers.
- Hear "Why did you leave the ministry" when they become chaplains.
- Have virtually no voice to show otherwise.
- Have bought into the lie that we are only "unlicensed therapists" unable to talk about Jesus. BULL!!!!!!!
Check out Chaplain Berry on facebook to see the pictures of the fruit of military ministry.