Hey everyone wanted to ask you to pray for the Haiti trip, here is a prayer partner prayer needs list: THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!
Prayer Partners Info:
• True Humility and Stability — Proverbs 15:33; Colossians 3:12; 1 Peter 5:5; Ephesians 3:17; 6:14
• Relationships — Romans 14:19; Ephesians 4:3
• Joy — 2 Corinthians 4:7-18, James 1:2-4, 1 Peter 1:6-9
• Health and Safety in Travel — 2 Timothy 4: 6-18
• Self-Discipline — 2 Timothy 2:3-9, 15
• Jennilee— Ephesians 5:22-30
• Children (Noah, Austin, Eli)— Ephesians 6:1-3; Colossians 3:21; Proverbs 22:6
• Pressures They May Face as a Family — 2 Timothy 2:3-4; 1 Timothy 5:17-18
• Spiritual Freshness and Maturity — Ephesians 4:15; 2 Corinthians 9:10-15
• Ability to Walk in Love and in the Light — Ephesians 5:2; 2 Peter 1:7, 10
• Divine Power and Knowledge of Him — 2 Peter 1:3, 8
• Prayer Life — 1 Thessalonians 1:2-5
• Integrity and Accountability — Ephesians 4:25, 31-32; 2 Timothy 4:8-10
• Spiritual Warfare — Acts 20:28-31, Ephesians 6:10-18
• Field Preparation — Isaiah 66:19
• Prayer and Financial Support — 1 Thessalonians 5:25; Romans 15:30
• Fruitful Relationships — Romans 14:19
• Servant Ministry and Encouragement — 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Hebrew 3:13
• Strength and Boldness to Share the Gospel — Philippians 1:27-30
• Perseverance in the Midst of Crisis — Philippians 1:6, 23-24
• Discernment — Proverbs 2
• Compassion, Mercy and Love Toward Those Who are Lost — Luke 19:41; Matthew 5:3-16
med•i•ta•tion \ˌme-də-ˈtā-shən\ noun (13th century) 1 : a discourse intended to express its author’s reflections or to guide others in contemplation 2 : the act or process of meditating
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Missions News
Here is a article the Arkansas Baptist news wrote about us.
Missions News
Missions News
Sunday, February 28, 2010
The Christian and Government
Was in on a discussion of how to maintain a Christian perspective with a government you don't agree with. The following is my answer.
Great question, and how we live it out will be different. Just got through
reading this, I think it says a little bit to the question.
http://www.russellmoore.com/ look at the second entry. But in the big scheme
of things our government is set up to take criticism. Questions about how
things are ran help, mass criticism can lead to change. And I think things
are starting to get stirred up because we are expressing our frustration. So
be critical, however don’t be evil. What should we expect from the
unbeliever? What concerns me is that we will undergo a fake conservatism
from people who only want to get elected, give us a few crumbs and send our
country to hell with a smile instead of a scream.
The disciples were not pleased with the Romans nor were any of the Jews who
were not in a authority position. So what did they do? While they could not
be verbal in their confrontation were we can, they did get to the heart of
the matter. What was the major problem in Israel? The Romans, no, the
Pharisees? No. It was God's people repeatedly turning from God. It had
nothing to do with government, or culture, or anything else. It was God's
people turning away from Him. It is the same today in America, government is
not the problem, culture is not the problem. Government is not the ultimate
answer. Jesus is, and His people must be His people. Openly in the
marketplace, in government, and in our homes. Voice our beliefs, vote for
those beliefs and live those beliefs. Because we can, it is legal and it is
encouraged. The government has not taken our voice or our Savior away. The
same government that frustrates us right now still enforces our religious
liberty. That same government allows us to disagree and still live free.
That same government that is making decisions contrary to biblical
Christianity still allows us to speak the name of Jesus wherever and
whenever we want. As we study some of the prophets in the OT when Israel was
in captivity, they spoke truth and lived obedient lives. Maybe look at the
book of Micah, he addressed everyone, he spoke truth, and he was obedient.
May we do the same! After all what does God require from us?
He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8 (NASB)
Great question, and how we live it out will be different. Just got through
reading this, I think it says a little bit to the question.
http://www.russellmoore.com/ look at the second entry. But in the big scheme
of things our government is set up to take criticism. Questions about how
things are ran help, mass criticism can lead to change. And I think things
are starting to get stirred up because we are expressing our frustration. So
be critical, however don’t be evil. What should we expect from the
unbeliever? What concerns me is that we will undergo a fake conservatism
from people who only want to get elected, give us a few crumbs and send our
country to hell with a smile instead of a scream.
The disciples were not pleased with the Romans nor were any of the Jews who
were not in a authority position. So what did they do? While they could not
be verbal in their confrontation were we can, they did get to the heart of
the matter. What was the major problem in Israel? The Romans, no, the
Pharisees? No. It was God's people repeatedly turning from God. It had
nothing to do with government, or culture, or anything else. It was God's
people turning away from Him. It is the same today in America, government is
not the problem, culture is not the problem. Government is not the ultimate
answer. Jesus is, and His people must be His people. Openly in the
marketplace, in government, and in our homes. Voice our beliefs, vote for
those beliefs and live those beliefs. Because we can, it is legal and it is
encouraged. The government has not taken our voice or our Savior away. The
same government that frustrates us right now still enforces our religious
liberty. That same government allows us to disagree and still live free.
That same government that is making decisions contrary to biblical
Christianity still allows us to speak the name of Jesus wherever and
whenever we want. As we study some of the prophets in the OT when Israel was
in captivity, they spoke truth and lived obedient lives. Maybe look at the
book of Micah, he addressed everyone, he spoke truth, and he was obedient.
May we do the same! After all what does God require from us?
He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8 (NASB)
Friday, January 1, 2010
10 Things My Wife Will Not Say In 2010
10. No go ahead and use the milk carton for a spit tune.
9. I have just added more money for the monthly tattoo budget.
8. Yep I think your right we do need a bigger truck.
7. I think Texas is my favorite team too.
6. I'm tired of Mexican food.
5. Don't you need to spend more time at Camp?.
4. I don't think we need to pray about this.
3. You need to quit the ministry.
2. By staying home with the kids I am not living up to my potential.
1. No go ahead leave it, I like your mustache!
Love ya babe and can't wait to spend 2010 with you!
9. I have just added more money for the monthly tattoo budget.
8. Yep I think your right we do need a bigger truck.
7. I think Texas is my favorite team too.
6. I'm tired of Mexican food.
5. Don't you need to spend more time at Camp?.
4. I don't think we need to pray about this.
3. You need to quit the ministry.
2. By staying home with the kids I am not living up to my potential.
1. No go ahead leave it, I like your mustache!
Love ya babe and can't wait to spend 2010 with you!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Question shoud be......
The question we ask is, "Why would a Loving God allow.................
The question should be, "Why would a Holy and Just God, who knows my inward thoughts, motives and desires, not kill me in my sleep last night."
(paraphrase from a Voddie Baucham Quote)
The question is not about God and others, it is about God and me.
The question should be, "Why would a Holy and Just God, who knows my inward thoughts, motives and desires, not kill me in my sleep last night."
(paraphrase from a Voddie Baucham Quote)
The question is not about God and others, it is about God and me.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Worshiping Preference instead of Jesus
Here the last few months I have started to doubt myself. Some things that I used to hold in high regard now hold no place in my thoughts or actions. In some ways I have developed a extremely high and dangerous"i don't care" attitude. I believe this is because I was worshiping my preferences instead of worshiping Jesus. Here are some instances:
Music: Use to think it was such an integral part of a "good" worship service. But we don't have any music and have seen almost 400 professions of faith and baptized over 160. So tired of the old vs young, seeker vs traditional that I am almost anti-music . Can't even listen to Christian music stations without thinking it's all about money and marketing. It seems "our" stations market just like "theirs". TIRED
Books: same as music. Loved to go to Christian Bookstores and just look or buy the newest book. But it seems that it is all about marketing what they want to sell. What we want is driven by what they want to sell. PLEASE
Bible Translations: NASB or ESV? Have had more soldiers read and respond to the Good News Translation. I thought my intellectual side plus the closest word for word translation would equal the Holy Spirit as the conveyor of truth. REALLY!
Position: Was so wanting to legitimize myself as a preacher that I almost left were God wants me to be a "real" minister. WOW
Southern Baptist: Was so excited to become a part of a group of like minded Baptist people. Only to find out it is just as political as I have always heard. Have had more speaking invitations with Pentecostals and Methodists. One from each.
Now is there anything wrong with music, bookstores, translations, positions or being Southern Baptist? NO! Is there something wrong with me looking to those things to fulfil me? YES! The problem is when I make these good things, god things.
So when we start to look at other things to drive our passion for God or lead us to His throne or to make us legit those things are shown in their imperfection. When a believer worships those things soon the light of the Son will show their imperfections. We become cynical, negative or indifferent to people, places or things. And when we do this we are no good to the Kingdom as a whole and our intimacy with the King is lacking.
This is also a time when mistakes can be made, not just small mistakes but big life changing sins that have horrible consequences. We can see Sampson, Saul, David etc that this happened to. Or this can be a time of repentance and grace, "rediscovering" the Jesus who we worship.
Thank you Jesus for allowing me to rediscover you!
Meditation: Isaiah 1 & 2
Music: Use to think it was such an integral part of a "good" worship service. But we don't have any music and have seen almost 400 professions of faith and baptized over 160. So tired of the old vs young, seeker vs traditional that I am almost anti-music . Can't even listen to Christian music stations without thinking it's all about money and marketing. It seems "our" stations market just like "theirs". TIRED
Books: same as music. Loved to go to Christian Bookstores and just look or buy the newest book. But it seems that it is all about marketing what they want to sell. What we want is driven by what they want to sell. PLEASE
Bible Translations: NASB or ESV? Have had more soldiers read and respond to the Good News Translation. I thought my intellectual side plus the closest word for word translation would equal the Holy Spirit as the conveyor of truth. REALLY!
Position: Was so wanting to legitimize myself as a preacher that I almost left were God wants me to be a "real" minister. WOW
Southern Baptist: Was so excited to become a part of a group of like minded Baptist people. Only to find out it is just as political as I have always heard. Have had more speaking invitations with Pentecostals and Methodists. One from each.
Now is there anything wrong with music, bookstores, translations, positions or being Southern Baptist? NO! Is there something wrong with me looking to those things to fulfil me? YES! The problem is when I make these good things, god things.
So when we start to look at other things to drive our passion for God or lead us to His throne or to make us legit those things are shown in their imperfection. When a believer worships those things soon the light of the Son will show their imperfections. We become cynical, negative or indifferent to people, places or things. And when we do this we are no good to the Kingdom as a whole and our intimacy with the King is lacking.
This is also a time when mistakes can be made, not just small mistakes but big life changing sins that have horrible consequences. We can see Sampson, Saul, David etc that this happened to. Or this can be a time of repentance and grace, "rediscovering" the Jesus who we worship.
Thank you Jesus for allowing me to rediscover you!
Meditation: Isaiah 1 & 2
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Military Chaplains: Needed for a Great Commission Resurgance

Why military chaplains are a missing component to a Great Commission Resurgence.
Chaplains are:
- Making a difference in the lives of the future leaders of our nation. What other missionary has the opportunity to have the ear of an unbeliever and to guide them through trying times.
- Ministering in a pluralistic setting that has everything from atheists to jedi knights coming to them for answers in life.
- Front line evangelists in a position to be a lifeline from the unchurched to the church.
- Equipped to deal with situations from combat incidents, suicides, maritial problems and children's issues.
- Face to face with the unchurched culture every day.
- SBC chaplains are NAMB missionaries.
The one significant problem for chaplains:
- Lack the credibility among other ministers.
- Hear "Why did you leave the ministry" when they become chaplains.
- Have virtually no voice to show otherwise.
- Have bought into the lie that we are only "unlicensed therapists" unable to talk about Jesus. BULL!!!!!!!
Check out Chaplain Berry on facebook to see the pictures of the fruit of military ministry.
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